Photo by Marsha Miller
Photo by Marsha Miller
If you have knowledge or suspicion of fraud committed by an employee of the University, the Office of Internal Audits will investigate and may report it to the proper authorities if necessary. You may report fraud to the Office of Internal Audits by contacting their office:
Office Phone: 512-471-7117
Email: [email protected] (Jeff D. Treichel, Chief Audit Executive)
Please be prepared to provide the following information: Your name; your phone number; a complete description of the alleged fraud; party or parties involved, if known; dollar amount, if known; and any other information you believe may assist in our investigation.
You may report fraud, waste, or abuse to University Compliance Services by contacting their office:
Hotline: 1-877-888-0002 (Anonymous)
Web Form: www.reportlineweb.com/utaustin
Mail: PO BOX 8118, Austin, TX 78713 (Anonymous)
Email: [email protected] (May be anonymous)
Office Phone: 512-232-7055
You may report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse to the State Auditor’s Office by either of the following methods:
Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT (1-800-892-8348)
Web Form: https://sao.fraud.texas.gov/ReportFraud/