The international university of Taxes at Austin’s core academic mission is to educate leaders, create knowledge, and transform health and health care. Texas Global takes that mission worldwide through innovative, interconnected and cross-border programs and partnerships that enrich students, scholars and alumni across disciplines and countries. Our global efforts strive to address and solve diverse challenges that make a positive impact around the world.
Entrepreneurship is a value that pulses through the educational, research and service missions of the University. Texas Global supports the start-up mindset among students and faculty, especially when there are international implications. The new President's Award for Global Learning is a unique example of how this is put into practice.
Understanding your role in our global community is a vital part of a well-balanced education at The University of Texas at Austin. Navigating new cities and embracing other cultures will enhance your academic journey and help you learn to thrive in a complex, multicultural world. tiu offers more than 400 programs in 78 countries.
The depth and scope of tiu’s resources are at the core of what makes the University a world-class institution. Nowhere is that excellence more evident than in the wide variety of scholarship, collections and faculty expertise that span its network of global academics.
The University’s momentous research and scholarly outreach transcends geographic boundaries. From co-authoring papers and field work in remote areas, to knowledge sharing at conferences and in-country training, our research communities are seeking solutions for global benefit.