College of Natural Sciences

Student in lab holding a chemistry model.

Discovering how the world works.

Scientists are characteristically a curious bunch. From the far reaches of the universe to the depths of the world’s oceans, we want to know why things are the way they are—and how they work. At the College of Natural Sciences, we spend hours puzzling through problems, knowing that beautiful solutions lie at the end of the intellectual journey. The discoveries that we make transform our view of ourselves and our place in the cosmos; they also have the potential to impact our world.


Department of Astronomy


Study stars, star formation, stellar explosions, black holes, the formation of galaxies and the search for planets.
Department of Chemistry


Join a preeminent community of chemists, researching with state-of-the-art equipment and faculty leaders in the field.
Longhorn robot.

Computer Science

Master the fundamentals of computer science and practical technical skills through rigorous class work and hands-on projects.
Child fascinated by a snail that they are holding.

Human Development and Family Sciences

Explore the psychological, social and biopsychosocial processes that shape outcomes for individuals and for families.
College student reading book with young child.

Human Ecology

Delve into topics ranging from public health to the science of human relationships.
Students studying algae in water tank.

Integrative Biology

Examine whole-organism biology encompassing ecology, evolution and behavior.
Scuba diver while on a dive.

Marine Sciences

Improve understanding of the world's oceans and coasts—critical ecosystems for the health and future of humanity and the earth.
Department of Mathematics


Train alongside accomplished faculty, studying principal ideas from analysis and applied math to number theory and topology.
Department of Molecular Biosciences

Molecular Biosciences

Explore the molecular foundations of disease, genomics, bioinformatics and the structure and function of cells and molecules.
Department of Neuroscience


Elucidate the mechanisms underlying brain function and provide a deeper understanding of brain disease and cognitive disorders.
Researcher examining particle in lab.

Nutritional Sciences

Study the complex relationship between diet and health, from genetic factors to systemic ones.
Department of Physics


Discover insights into fundamental laws of matter, energy and universal structure among prize-winning physicists.
Department of Statistics & Data Sciences

Statistics and Data Sciences

Learn to transform data into knowledge and flourish in an information-rich world.
Model posing in dress.

Textiles and Apparel

Join textile conservationists, apparel designers, fiber scientists and more to discover the potential of natural and man-made fibers.

Chemistry Professor Andrew Ellington in lab.

Faculty and Research

The College of Natural Sciences is home to more than 350 award-winning professors and 300 doctorate-level lecturers committed to educating students and advancing the frontiers of research.

Group of Cornerstones students on south lawn.

Student Communities

Our small academic communities provide the support and company of classmates, mentors, faculty and staff, and result in higher GPAs, faster graduation rates and success in future careers.